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Sound Healing – Proactive Medicine for People, Plants, and the Planet

Sound Healing

Ancient cultures around the world have used sound healing to repair the mind, body, and spirit. Vocal prayers, OM chants, the sounds of nature, mantras, music, and various instruments are just a few methods they discovered effective for sound healing…today, science now strongly indicates that sound may indeed be the most incredible healing tool we […]

Fight the Good Fight – Battle Negative Energies and Reclaim Your Soul

Negative Energies

Do ever just feel like you aren’t YOU anymore? Do you find yourself thinking thoughts and saying things that just aren’t who you are deep in your soul? Or as though you have lost control of your very essence and are literally being controlled by some dark, covert, 4th-dimensional force? I certainly have felt that […]

How Your Words and Thoughts Might Be Destroying You

Words and Thoughts

We have come to understand that everything in the universe – including human souls – are constantly vibrating energetic forces. This profound knowledge has empowered us with the knowledge that we have tremendous power over our physical and emotional wellbeing as well as our spiritual journey. We can travel outside our bodies, communicate and gain […]

Balancing the Crown Chakra as the Universal Connector Center

Crown Chakra

Considered intrinsic to accessing one’s highest potential of dynamic thought, energy, spirituality, and enlightenment, the Crown Chakra is the center of the cosmic consciousness. It guides the inward flow of wisdom and enlightenment on both conscious and unconscious levels and is where one is said to connect with the cosmos and the Devine – it’s […]

The Robot-self and the Art of Turning off the Stories

The Robot-self

I have always been drawn to houses and buildings with lots of window, lots of glass. I later realized that this appeal was really based on the transparency effect, which gave me the opportunity to see what’s on the other side of the window or glass.  It was the necessary for me to live in […]

Addicted to Social Media? Tips to Survive Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Others

social media

If you find yourself ‘Pinterest’-ing your Twitter, ‘Flickr’-ing your Google+, ‘Meeting Up’ into your Tumblr, or ‘Instagram’-ing your Facebook – you know you’re a serious addict – so this one is for you. And I completely understand how it goes… Let the Vortex Begin Sucking You In… You are just about to log off – […]

Everyday Shamanism: Accessing the Healer Within


Several years ago, I never would have dreamed of calling myself a Shaman. But, after incorporating principles of shamanism into my daily routine, I’ve experienced how just about anyone can be a Shaman. After dealing with emotional trauma connected to illnesses and broken relationships, I looked into alternative healing methods in order to cleanse myself […]

Triskelion: A Symbol of Personal Growth, Spiritual Expansion and Development


We may never really know what the mighty Celts had in mind when they designed the triskelion…However, the Greeks translate triskelion as ‘three-legged” which seems appropriate for this triple spiral symbol…and when you think of legs, motion comes to mind. It is with these principles combined with the spiritual beliefs of the Celtics people that […]

Signs and Traits of Lightworkers: Earthbound Energy Healers


Lightworkers are those who ‘shed love and light’ on shadowy topics and dark situations like fear, doubts, worries, and other troubling issues. (These issues may arise though the aid of a shadow worker, but many lightworkers can also work in the shadows – another topic for another time.) They have an uncanny ability to connect […]