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5 Ancient Interpretations for The Meaning of the Tree of Life

Tree of Life

The essence and meaning of the Tree of Life in many modern interpretations is believed to connect all forms of creation. The image is widely thought to represent the Devine Creator, and it is revered as the representation of the interconnectedness of all sentient beings. Today’s interpretation is an excellent summation of the various mythical […]

The Meaning of Namaste: Many Translations, One Universal Intention

Meaning of Namaste

Regardless of culture, humans seem to have a universal need to greet one another upon meeting and parting. Bowing in Japan, hand-clapping variations in African countries, and saying hello and shaking hands or hugging in English cultures – are just a few of the most commonly known salutations. While customs and traditions vary, there does […]

Teal Swan’s Enlightening Video on Crystals as Living, Healing Stones


Explore crystal concepts beyond those of their mere physical dimensions and limitations – check out this incredible video by Teal Swan on crystals as living and healing stones. Thought provoking and informative, this clip explores beyond the typical idea of ‘what is alive’ to those of greater consciousness, awareness, and perceptions. Teal clearly explains how […]

Healing with Lapis Lazuli: Stone of the All-Seeing Egyptian Sky Goddess Isis

Lapis Lazuli

A powerful healing stone believed to impart awareness of the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the Egyptian Sky Goddess Isis, lapis lazuli is a high-vibrational stone with endless potential. The Egyptians utilized this stone in artwork, amulets, jewelry, and cosmetics; however, their use of it to portray the hair and adornments of the heavenly Goddess […]

4 Tips for Maximum Benefits with Your Quantum Science Pendant

Quantum Science Pendant

If you own a LightShield™ energy quantum science pendant, you already understand the potential health and emotional benefits of these healing stones and crystals. However, there are few lesser known facts about the pendants that we occasionally get questions about from current and potential wearers. Here are 4 essential facts about quantum science pendants that […]

6 Ways to Manifest Your Reality: Vibrations and the Law of Attraction

manifest your reality

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford It seems that Mr. Ford was a proponent of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction asserts that every positive or negative event that occurs in your life is attracted by you – that dominating thoughts ultimately manifest your reality. […]

5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Energy and Vibration


Raising your vibrations, raising your frequency – terms we hear more commonly in this time of universal enlightenment – the practice isn’t quite as complex as quantum physics like it may sound. In fact, you can increase your physical and spiritual energy and vibration fairly easily through many practices with a genuine focus and intentions […]

What is Zero Point Perspective? Exploring the 3 Mental Bodies


The best way I have heard the Zero Point Perspective described came from a healer at retreat who compared the experience to being on a merry-go-round. When standing on the outer edge, you have to concentrate to hang on; however, when you place yourself at the center of the ride, it takes almost no effort, […]

Basic Types of Meditation – Altering Consciousness for Universal Receptivity


We hear the phrases ‘zoning out’ or ‘chilling’ and pleas for someone to just ‘take me away from all this’ often not realizing that that’s exactly what meditation is and can do – without need from an outside party necessarily. In its inception, various types of meditation were centered around religious teachings, practices, and beliefs […]