Archive | Energy and Frequencies

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Happiness: it’s Who You’re With and How You See it


There’s something important I’ve deduced over the last several years while on my travels that I’m eager to share with my readers. Happiness: it’s not where you are, it’s who you’re with and how you see it.Even if this seems like a relatively simple idea, it’s amazing how this concept can completely fly over our […]

4 Tips To Crack The Inner Critic Script For Good

overcome your inner critic

If you find yourself repeating toxic patterns and making the same mistakes, look no further than your inner critic. Judgmental, anxious, and bitter, the inner critic mimics the voices of our bullies. More often than not, this pesky voice retells the same stories about you and your worth time and time again. Eventually, you become desensitized to […]

Shungite, the Miracle Stone: Healing Toxin Overload and EMF Exposure


It’s no secret that harmful chemicals are everywhere: electronics, drinking water, healthy foods, and even hair products, to name a few. Doctors won’t tell you that toxin overload can mimic chronic illness by causing brain fog, joint pain, stomach problems, anxiety, and skin problems. For chronic health problems with no discernable cause and low energy, […]

Neptune Turns Direct: Waking Up to Your Personal Truths

Neptune Turns Direct

On June 12, 2015, Neptune went Retrograde in dreamy, mysterious Pisces. ‘Rude awakening’ couldn’t describe these past five months strongly enough!  But on November 18, Neptune finally went direct in 7 degrees Pisces. The rest of November and early December will be all about emotional readjustments, getting real and staying grounded, no matter how tempting denial may […]

Citrine: A Stone of Luck, Wealth and Creativity


Citrine is known for being one of the luckiest stones out there — it’s a true gem that will help you manifest positive energy in all realms of your life! If you’re ready to master your talents and increase your luck, this meditation exercise with Citrine will brighten your day — and get you on track […]

Make a Wish! The Magical Rewards of 11:11 and Sacred Numerology


Have you ever heard a friend or an acquaintance say “11:11, make a wish!”? This popular phrase has been going around for years. But, have you ever wondered what 11:11 actually means, or why wishing on these numbers brings good luck? Curious about the 11:11 myth, I researched to find the answer. What I found […]

4 Electrifyingly Easy EMF Protection Tips to Reduce Exposure

EMF Protection

As modern technology takes over our world, we are bombarded with damaging electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) – a silent, invisible but very real threat to our physical and emotional health. It can prove challenging to battle enemies we cannot see. However, technology isn’t going anywhere, and honestly, most of us would be lost without it! In […]

Crystals and Manifestation: Achieve your Dreams with Selenite


Are you struggling to manifest your dreams or discover your destiny? If so, Selenite is the ideal crystal for you. Selenite is a magical stone that will help you align your actions with your soul’s true purpose. This powerful, lightweight crystal will protect you from suffering from a lack of self-esteem and self-doubt as you […]

Fight the Good Fight – Battle Negative Energies and Reclaim Your Soul

Negative Energies

Do ever just feel like you aren’t YOU anymore? Do you find yourself thinking thoughts and saying things that just aren’t who you are deep in your soul? Or as though you have lost control of your very essence and are literally being controlled by some dark, covert, 4th-dimensional force? I certainly have felt that […]