Tag Archives: Meditation

Dream Herb~Calea Z. For Lucid Dreaming, Divination, and Deep Dream Work. – The Complete Guide


Dream Herb can enhance your natural ability to Lucid Dream! If you want to maximize your dreaming potential the this potent herb is right up your dreaming alley! Having incredibly vivid dreams, improved ability to recall every detail, a deep sense of divinity and other powerful meaningful experiences can be attained through the use of […]

Mending a Broken Heart with Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

If you’ve been struggling to heal your heart and recover your emotional equilibrium after a breakup or the loss of a loved one, Rose Quartz is the perfect crystal to add to your collection. In this video, I demonstrate how you can meditate with Rose Quartz to heal any heavy, painful emotions you’ve been struggling […]

Using Crystal Skulls for Purification and Increasing Psychic Powers

Crystal Skulls

Although many of us typically associate skulls with all things doom, gloom and death metal, crystal skulls have been going mainstream for the last few years, and with good reason: they’re changing the way we view this once macabre symbol and empowering us to heal and ascend. Crystal skulls have unique healing properties that combine […]

Shungite, the Miracle Stone: Healing Toxin Overload and EMF Exposure


It’s no secret that harmful chemicals are everywhere: electronics, drinking water, healthy foods, and even hair products, to name a few. Doctors won’t tell you that toxin overload can mimic chronic illness by causing brain fog, joint pain, stomach problems, anxiety, and skin problems. For chronic health problems with no discernable cause and low energy, […]

Citrine: A Stone of Luck, Wealth and Creativity


Citrine is known for being one of the luckiest stones out there — it’s a true gem that will help you manifest positive energy in all realms of your life! If you’re ready to master your talents and increase your luck, this meditation exercise with Citrine will brighten your day — and get you on track […]

Crystals and Manifestation: Achieve your Dreams with Selenite


Are you struggling to manifest your dreams or discover your destiny? If so, Selenite is the ideal crystal for you. Selenite is a magical stone that will help you align your actions with your soul’s true purpose. This powerful, lightweight crystal will protect you from suffering from a lack of self-esteem and self-doubt as you […]

Balancing the Crown Chakra as the Universal Connector Center

Crown Chakra

Considered intrinsic to accessing one’s highest potential of dynamic thought, energy, spirituality, and enlightenment, the Crown Chakra is the center of the cosmic consciousness. It guides the inward flow of wisdom and enlightenment on both conscious and unconscious levels and is where one is said to connect with the cosmos and the Devine – it’s […]

Debunking the Aura: Gold, White, and Spirit Communication

Debunking the Aura

Unlike any other color, white resonates with the divine. We associate white with innocence, heaven, angels and prophets. And while it’s natural to assume that a white aura denotes pure energy, true white is one of the most harmful colors for the auric field. Some psychics believe that an aura that is truly white (without […]

9 Herbal Teas and Supplements to Win at Weight Loss


If your weight loss journey has been marked by ups and downs, you’re not alone. Hormonal imbalances, pesticides in our food, and high levels of stress make it tough to keep off the pounds. Autoimmune diseases and chronic issues with our detoxification organs, like the liver and intestines, also affect body weight. If you’re doing […]